Guidelines and Template for Contributions to the Proceedings

Authors are invited to submit short papers based on their presentations for publication in the open-access online conference proceedings. The word limit for contributions is 2500 (including abstract and references). The proceedings will be double-blind peer reviewed and include a revision cycle for authors. Please follow the template below in terms of formatting and layout.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not include any personal information in the text of your submission to facilitate blind peer review.


Research papers should follow the Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion-Conclusions structure, whereas practical or experiential papers may deviate from this pattern, but should still keep the Introduction and Conclusions chapters.


The clearance for copyright matters is the sole responsibility of the authors and must be completed at the time of manuscript submission.


Proceedings manuscripts need to be submitted through the conference platform no later than 6th April, 2021.

Please click on the link below to upload your papers.


Please include the relevant panel when making your submission.

Peer review

After the double-blind peer review process, around mid-May authors will be notified of the acceptance of their written papers for their inclusion in the proceedings publication and of any modifications they may need to make.

Publication of proceedings

Proceedings are expected to be published around the conference dates (ideally before the conference).


Please follow this template when submitting your text.